When Will My Order Arrive?

Every product on our site has an estimated Lead Time - the number of business days it takes for an item to be processed and prepared for shipment at the warehouse. To provide you with the greatest selection on the internet, we ship from warehouses all over the country. Each lead time varies based on many different factors. Some warehouses stock items that can be shipped the same day or within 24 hours. Other items require a longer time (e.g. 2-4 weeks). Each product page on our site includes the estimated Lead Time, "Usually ships in ," to give you an idea how quickly your order will leave the warehouse.

For Small Parcel shipments within the United States, delivery usually takes between 1 and 6 business days (except for USPS which ships in 1-10 business days) after your order is picked up from the warehouse. For expedited services such as 3-day, 2nd Day or Next Day Air, your order's travel time is locked in to the given speed you select after the item leaves the warehouse. You should remember that the estimated Lead Time still applies before the item ships out. Be sure to consult the product's Lead Time before you order with expedited shipping, and call us if you have any questions or concerns.

For Large Parcel Curbside Deliveries, delivery usually takes between 3-6 business days from the time your items leave the warehouse (5-10 business days for Canadian shipments). For residential deliveries, you will be contacted for an appointment as soon as your order arrives at the local terminal. For commercial deliveries, no appointment will be made. If you need to make one, please contact us.

For Large Parcel Inside Deliveries, delivery usually takes 1-4 weeks from the time items leave the warehouse (4-6 weeks for Canadian shipments). Your order will travel through a nationwide network of professional moving companies who will handle your item(s) with the utmost care. You will be contacted for a delivery appointment when your order reaches the delivery agent. Although the items are handled carefully throughout transit, we require that our orders undergo a thorough inspection at the delivery agent to ensure your item is delivered in perfect condition.

For products that display 'Arrives by Christmas', Anji Eurostile Furniture Co., Ltd.  is not responsible for late shipments resulting from carrier delays or any other causes beyond our control.

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